“Brick Out” Documentation by “Code This Lab S.r.l.” v1.0

“Brick Out”

Created: 12/01/2016
By: Code This Lab S.r.l.
Email: info@codethislab.com

Thank you for purchasing our game. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via user page contact form here. Thanks so much!

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Folder Content
  3. Getting Started
  4. HTML Structure
  5. CSS Files and Structure
  6. Source Code
  7. Game functions
  8. Change Graphic
  9. Disable Sounds
  10. Wordpress Plugin

A) Description - top

Brickout is a HTML5 Arcade Game. The aim of the game is to destroy all the bricks and collect any falling power-ups to move to the next level.

The ZIP package contains the game with 1024x840 resolution that scales to fit the whole screen device
Just warning that for very wide screens, the game may not be perfectly full screen. The game is fully compatible with all most common mobile devices.
Sounds are enabled for mobile but we can't grant full audio compatibility on all mobile devices due to some well-know issue between some mobile-browser and HTML5. So if you want to avoid sound loading, please read Disable Sound section).
WARNING: Sounds can't be enabled for Windows Phone as this kind of device have unsolved issues with 'audio' and 'video' tag.

B) Folder Content - top

  1. ctl_arcade_wp_plugin:
  2. This folder contains the zip package that can be used with our Wordpress plugin "CTL Arcade" (http://codecanyon.net/item/ctl-arcade-wordpress-plugin/13856421).
  3. game
  4. This folder contains the full game source code ready to be edited.
  5. live_demo
  6. This folder contains the obfuscated code. You should upload this folder on your server if you don't need to make any changes.
  7. readme
  8. This folder contains the package instructions.
  9. thumbs
  10. This folder contains all game icons.

C)Getting Started - top

To install the game just upload on your server the game folder live_demo.

D)HTML Structure - top

This game have the canvas tag in the body. The ready event into the body calls the main function of the game: CMain().
The head section declares all the javascript functions of the game. The whole project uses a typical object-oriented approach.
In the init function there are 7 mapped events that can be useful eventually for stats

  • Game option: You can easily customize game setting when creating a new instance of the game in index.html file
  • 			    var oMain = new CMain({
                        ball_speed: 7, //SPEED OF BALL IN PIXEL
                        bricks_score: [5, 10, 15, 20, 50, 40], //SCORE ASSIGNED TO EVERY BRICK (brick0 to brickN)
                        bricks_resistance: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], //HOW MANY TIME THE BALL COLLISION THE BRICK UNTIL IT IS DESTROYED (brick0 to brickN)
                        bricks_destructible: [true, true, true, true, false, true], //INDICATES THAT A BRICK IS DESTRUCTABLE BY BALL IN NORMAL STATE (brick0 to brick5)
                        bonus_speed: 2, //SPEED OF BONUS IN PIXEL
                        bonus_time: {t0: 15, t1: 150, t2: 15, t3: 15, t6: 15}, //DURATION OF EVERY BONUS IN THIS ORDER (IN SECONDS) t0=LargePad,t1=FireBall,t2=Floor,t3=Magnetic,t6=Shot
                        bonus_score: {s0: 15, s1: 10, s2: 10, s3: 15, s4: 100, s5: 20, s6: 15, s7: 10, s8: 30, s9: 30}, //SCORE OF EVERY BONUS IN THIS ORDER s0=LargePad,s1=FireBall,s2=Floor,s3=Magnetic,s4=extra life,s5=multiBall,s6=Shot,s7=ball speed down,s8ball speed up,s9=smallPad
                        life: 3, //LIVES ASSIGNED AT THE BEGIN OF THE GAME
                        bullet_speed: 0.5, //SPEED OF THE BULLET OF THE SHOT BONUS
                        speed_down_ball: 0.25, //DECREASE SPEED TO BALL EVERY TIME TAKES THE POWER UP SPEED DOWN BALL
                        speed_up_ball: 0.25, //INCREASE SPEED TO BALL EVERY TIME TAKES THE POWER UP SPEED UP BALL
                        fullscreen:true, //SET THIS TO FALSE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SHOW FULLSCREEN BUTTON
                        check_orientation:true,     //SET TO FALSE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SHOW ORIENTATION ALERT ON MOBILE DEVICES
                        audio_enable_on_startup:false, //ENABLE/DISABLE AUDIO WHEN GAME STARTS 

    E) CSS Files and Structure - top

    The game use two CSS files. The first one is a generic reset file. Many browser interpret the default behavior of html elements differently. By using a general reset CSS file, we can work round this. Keep in mind, that these values might be overridden somewhere else in the file.

    The second file contains all of the specific stylings for the canvas and some hack to be fully compatible with all most popular mobile devices

    F) Source Code - top

    This game contains:

    1. jQuery
    2. Our custom scripts
    3. CreateJs plugin
    4. Howler Sound library
    1. jQuery is a Javascript library that greatly reduces the amount of code that you must write.
    2. The game have the following js files:
      • CMain: the main class called by the index file.
        This file controls the sprite_lib.js file that manages the sprite loading, the loop game and initialize the canvas with the CreateJs library
      • ctl_utils: this file manages the canvas resize and its centering
      • sprite_lib: this class loads all images declared in the main class
      • settings: general game settings
      • CLang: global string variables for language localization
      • CPreloader: simple text preloader to show resources loading progress
      • CMenu: simple menu with the play button
      • CGfxButton: this class create a standard button
      • CToggle: this class create a standard toggle button
      • CTextButton: this class create a standard text button
      • CGame: this class manages the game logic
      • CInterface: this class controls game GUI that contains text and buttons
      • CBall: this class manages the ball object
      • CBrick: this class manages the brick.
      • CBonus: this class manages the bonus item.
      • CBulltet: this class manages the bullet.
      • CSettingsLevel: this class stores all the info about the game.
      • CLevelBut: this class manages create a button for select a determinate level.
      • CLevelMenu: menu with selection of level.
      • CVector2: this class emulate a vector with coordination x and y.
    3. CreateJs is a suite of modular libraries and tools which work together to enable rich interactive content on open web technologies via HTML5.
    4. Howler is a javascript Audio library.

    Resuming, the complete game flow is the following:

    1. The index.html file calls the CMain.js file after ready event is called
    2. The main class calls CPreloader.js to init preloader text and start sprite loading
    3. When all sprites contained in "/sprites" and "/sounds" folder are loaded, the main class removes the preloader and calls the CMenu.js file that shows the main menu
    4. If the user click the Play button in main menu, the CLevelMenu.js class is called and show the avaible levels
    5. If the user click a level button in level menu, the CGame.js class is called and game starts
    6. If the user click on the exit button in the top-right corner, the game returns to the menu screen

    G) Game functions - top

    In this section will be explained all the most important functions used in CGame.js file.

    H) Change Graphic - top

    You can easily change all the game graphic, replacing all the file you need in the "/sprites" folder. Just respect file format (.png or .jpg) and size if you don't want to change any code line.

    I) Disable Sounds - top

    If you want to disable all the sounds for mobile devices, you have to change the following value in settings.js file:

    var DISABLE_SOUND_MOBILE = true;

    J) Wordpress Plugin - top

    CTL Arcade will allow you to add a real arcade on your worpress website, in this way your users will be more involved and will stay connected longer.

    It's possible to add Ads banner at the beginning of each game and at the end of each level. This will give you a new tool to increase your revenues.

    Your own users will promote your website sharing their scores on the main Social Networks, with no extra costs for you.

    You'll get by default the score-sharing on Twitter. To add Facebook just follow the guideline below.

    3 widgets can be added in your pages through a shortcode.

    Minimum Requirements:

    This plugin is designed to work only with games built by Code This Lab.

    You can find it here!

    ctl arcade

    Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this game. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or issue relating to this game. No guarantees, but we'll do our best to assist.


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